NOTICE: At this time, all workshops will be done via ZOOM meetings
Inside Out Transformation®

Resonating Relationships Coaching

When I work with individuals and ask what they want to experience in a relationship—here is their top three responses:

Single and…

  • Tired of trying so hard?
  • Wanting to find and be in a loving, committed, monogamous relationship?
  • Keep finding yourself in the same type of “going nowhere”, negative or destructive type of relationships?
  • Feeling as if you were meant “to be alone forever” and (honestly) resenting it? (After all, all of your friends are married…)
  • Do you feel you have blocks to “receiving” love? “Always the giver”?
Relationship Coaching
Relationship Coaching

Divorced and... 

  • Still harboring the pain, hurt and negativity you experienced in your former marriage and divorce?
  • Not yet ready to “get out there”—but feeling as if the pangs of loneliness, resentment, hurt or anger?
  • Beginning to feel like ALL of the “pool” members are “alike”?
  • Feeling like you are too hurt to be dating again?
  • Saying things like: “All the good ones are taken?”

Currently in a relationship and …

  • It does not seem to be “going anywhere”?
  • Not feeling the love and support you feel you need and want?
  • Concerned that sharing your feelings seems too risky and may “rock the boat”?
  • Are thinking that you may not want to “rock the boat”?
  • Feeling too afraid to share what it is you really want, because: “After all, …it could be worse!”?
Relationship Coaching
The subconscious is the storehouse of your thoughts, emotions, memories, perceptions, and experiences.

What’s in Your Subconscious?

One result of trauma and other negative experiences is a subconscious perseverating negative loop (mentally, emotionally, energetic, experientially) can be set in motion. 

Sometimes our energy/emotions can become stuck, creating an imbalance and distortion in our energy field.  Our interactions with and reactions to others – and their interactions and reactions to us—are reflected back to us. Much like a mirror, our relationships with others energetically—and subconsciously—reflect the energetic blocks, imbalances, and unproductive negative programming we hold within ourselves.  These blocks, imbalances, distortions and negative programming can affect all areas of our lives.

What’s In Your Subconscious?

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

If negative energies and imbalances are not addressed and released, one is certain to remain in a vicious, unsatisfying, frustrating, repetitive cycle of attracting and engaging in unfulfilling relationships.

Inside Out Transformation

This is an Invitation Only Program

Schedule your no obligation 30-minute phone conversation to see if you are a good match for this program now!
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I Get It!
Been There! Tried EVERYTHING !!!

I understand…

I tried everything: relationship courses, dating webinars and workshops, read books about dating “rules” (what not to do, what to do, and how to do it), went on “blind dates”, received advice from male and female friends, joined multiple dating websites, listened to professional counselors and “dating / relationship experts” and coaches. Being single and “unmarried” for almost my entire adult life, I had “given-up.” I was resigned that it was my “fate to be single forever.”

Fast forward to today: As a result of doing the type of healing work I am now offering (releasing energetic blocks and imbalances – from the “inside out”) plus, most assuredly, with the assistance of God / Spirit / My Highest Power, I am in a committed, monogamous, loving, supportive, fun, laughter and adventure filled, joyful, loving relationship.

As it is said: “Spirit meets action.” I did my “inner work.” Healing – INSIDE OUT TRANSFORMATION® — was the only “action” I needed to take.

What about you?
Ready to stop “effort-ing”?
Ready for Inside Out Transformation®?
I Believe…

You can heal former relationships

You can attract new, more healthy relationships

You can improve the quality of the experience of relationships you are currently in

You can get more clarity about next steps, as you release non-supportive energetics and imbalances and replace them with more loving and supportive energy

I can offer support to you in your journey

This is for you if you are...

tired of doing it alone.
tired of trying “everything”—but are still not where you want to be.
willing to take responsibility and action-steps—perhaps even challenging yourself with thinking and taking-action outside of your box—and out of your "go-to" comfort zone.
willing to change your energy, mindsets, and perspectives—and try a new way of both "being" and "doing."
willing to do the work—this includes internal explorations and completing between-session assignments.
wanting to experience genuine, authentic, and congruent alignment and resonating relationships.
Inside Out Transformation

This is an Invitation Only Program

Schedule your no obligation 30-minute phone conversation to see if you are a good match for this program now!
Apply Today!

Program Overview

  • Mentoring twice per month—lasered and customized to you—and structured to make rapid monthly progress

  • Detailed, supportive, and tailored-to-you and to-your-relationship goals and intentions—with suggestions and offering of guidance and advice

  • Support with discerning the qualities you want to experience within yourself, your life, and in your ideal relationship

  • Discovery + clearing and releasing of energetic blocks and imbalances—as it relates to you and your experience of love—so you can experience greater "flow" with delightful synchronicities—and "in-flow"—with achieving your desired goals and intentions

  • Support in creating your new—more positive and empowered—love, romance, and relationship “story” and experiences
  • Guidance with crafting your unique love relationship support tools

  • When applicable, printable templates, workbooks, and exercise forms to use to support you with your projects and assignments—and to help you track your results

  • Guidance and one-on-one support with “next steps” creation so you are energetically—and authentically—aligned with your intention of attracting—and maintaining—a loving and supportive relationship

  • Email check-ins during the duration of the program

Bonus #1

Inside Out Transformation® Support
Valued at $6,500
At times, you may inadvertently “get in your own way” of achieving what you desire. Sometimes you may be consciously aware of doing it. Other times, you may—unconsciously / subconsciously—be limiting yourself with your thinking, unfettered autopilot negative programming, and other energetic blocks and imbalances. This can “out-picture” in negatively affecting you by limiting—and perhaps even self-sabotaging—your love-life—and even your life’s potential.
Discover energy blocks and imbalances and...

Remove and clear what is preventing the flow of all-that-is-good into your love life.

Clear and release limiting “love karma”—and other blocks toward experiencing greater love in your life.

Instill more heart- and soul-aligned and congruent inner energetics.

Learn tools such as creating energetically-aligned positive imagery, thinking, visioning, supportive action plans—plus …

Learn how to create practical, easy, and achievable action steps for yourself.

Bonus #2

Personalized Support
Valued at $6,500
During our time working together, you will receive specific-to-you, on-the-spot energetic assessment + clearing and releasing, as indicated. Additionally, you will receive specific support with crafting more heart- and soul-aligned energy, affirmations, and practices.
You will...

Get SUPPORT in seeing “challenges” as “opportunities.”

Learn how to seek lessons within the opportunities—to move forward with EMPOWERED energy and mindsets.

Learn to create “UNSTOPPABLE” mindsets and ways of being

Get intuitively inspired ENERGETIC clearings and support along the way.


Bonus #3

Addressing “Heart Walls”
Valued at $500
If you have ever experienced any form of heartache, you may have, subconsciously and energetically, created a “defensive” protection called a Heart Wall.

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, DC, ret., Heart Walls are made of several trapped emotions. Each emotion associated with the making of the Heart Wall is a layer of the wall. There are different kinds of Heart Walls and a person may even have more than one Heart Wall.

Just as we inherit biological elements from our ancestors, we can inherit lines of energy from them, as well. Sometimes lines of energy can be of a negative nature. These lines of energy could be passed down from ancestors from both one’s mother and father’s side of the family.

After the removal of a Heart Wall, I check for Addictive Heart Energy. The heart, due to a need to feel happiness, joy, and love, creates this specific energy frequency. As a “protective shield”, to some extent, it limits and prevents us from fully experiencing positive emotions. With the removal of a Heart Wall, an “addictive” compulsion can create a need to “fill the void” the removal of the Heart Wall has left. By releasing any Addictive Heart Energy, a repetitive cycle of energy is released.

Inside Out Transformation

What Are You Waiting For?

Schedule your no obligation 30-minute phone conversation to see if you are a good match for this program now!
Apply Today!
Dr. Linda Humphreys of Inside Out Transformation

My coaching style is very practical, direct, intuition-inspired, and often delivered in a playful manner—making the concepts and materials so simple that you will want to implement them immediately!

My signature coaching system incorporates:

  • giving attention to your energy—both conscious and subconscious / unconscious.
  • identifying and addressing self-sabotaging actions—and providing tools to support you in eradicating them.
  • reinforcing and instilling more authentic, heart- and soul-supporting and aligned energy to support you in your business—and possibly transforming your entire life—that can take you into an accelerated, positive trajectory.
  • principles of spiritual psychology and metaphysical counseling.

While you are responsible for your own business and success, I promise you I will…

  • “show-up” for you 100%.
  • offer materials (i.e., resources, related materials), suggestions, alternative viewpoints, and supportive “nudging.”

I also promise you this:

I will hold you as POWERFUL even if—or when—you are not able to do so for yourself.

Still Not Sure?

Remember this:
Nothing changes if nothing changes.

What awaits you? 

If you want to experience MORE LOVING—towards yourself and others—and experience greater alignment with your AUTHENTIC LOVING HEART and the hearts of others and...

MORE LOVING experiences and opportunities in your life—perhaps including finding and cultivating a heart- and soul-centered loving relationship—or even potentially rejuvenating your existing relationship—and so much more…

Apply Today!
Relationship Coaching
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