The Divine Unknowing—NOT! The Human Unknowing—YES!
If I had a nickel for every time I heard the term ‘The Divine Unknowing’ used in conversations and saw it in written form, I would be a very rich person. It seems to be the new popular “spiritual” buzz phrase that I hear tossed about within various spiritual/metaphysical communities. Every time I hear that term or see it written that way, something inside of me responds: NOT!
On a mental level, my thinking mind would get tied up in knots trying to figure out what the user meant by first considering the grammatical structure:
- Is The Divine (noun = God) unknowing (adjective)?
- Is it the unknowing (noun) divine (adjective)?
I decided to ask those who used the expression: What does The Divine Unknowing mean? After a brief period of silence, the most common answers were:
- “I don’t know!” (Usually accompanied with a smile and/or laughter)
- ”When you don’t know something, like what next steps to take.”
Going within, I explored why I was experiencing such a deep visceral/vibrational reaction to this term. During one meditation in particular, I asked this question, and this is what came forth:
- The Divine knows all.
- There is no ‘unknowing’ as it relates in any way, shape, or form to The Divine.
- God’s got this! God’s got your back!
- God does have a very clear Divine blueprint for your life.
- It is the human/personality/ego that is experiencing the unknown.
- The terms The Divine and Unknowing have two very separate and distinct vibrations.
- Each term can be a stalemate with the other—creating competing intentions/ vibrations.
- I am extremely sensitive to these kinds of things hence my visceral response to hearing the term used in this manner.
I then asked for more vibrationally accurate ways to express this concept while supporting a positive flow of energy toward clarity. This is what was revealed:
- I don’t know at this moment – but God’s got this.
- At this moment, I do not know all of the details. I do know, however, it is in the hands of The Divine to work out.
- I don’t know all of the details at this time, but I am affirming clarity.
- I know and trust that all is in God’s hands and will be revealed in God’s time.
- I do know that I will know what I need to know when I need to know it.
- I can relax because I don’t need to struggle to “figure it all out.”
- I have a vision of the big picture. God is working out the details.
- I don’t know—and this experience is an opportunity for me to experience The Divine in everything.
- My decision/ability to be patient and relinquishing any semblance of control of knowing every exact detail at this time, is Divine.
- I am open and receptive to see how God will work out the details.
- I don’t know all of the details at this time. It will all be revealed and worked out in God’s time.
How Divine!
While temporarily experiencing "unknowing" or uncertainty, I affirm clarity.
I trust God.
God’s got this.
God’s got me.
God’s got my back.
I know all will be revealed in God’s time.
For this and so much more, I Am grateful!
And so, it is!
You’ve got this!